Monday, December 31, 2012

Astrology Natal Horoscope, Birth Chart, and Transits at Death for Jerry Garcia

Astrology Natal Horoscope and Birth Chart for Jerry Garcia

Born: August 1, 1942

Planetary position at birth

Sun:08 36' in Leo
Moon:09° 56' in Aries
Mercury:06° 59' in Leo
Venus:11° 07' in Cancer
Mars:00° 07' in Virgo
Jupiter:11° 43' in Cancer
Saturn:09° 54' in Gemini
Uranus:03° 59' in Gemini
Neptune:27° 53' in Virgo
Pluto:05 29' in Leo

Conjunction: Mercury Pluto 1º
Conjunction: Saturn Uranus 5º
Conjunction: Sun Mercury 1º
Conjunction: Sun Pluto 3º
Conjunction: Venus Jupiter 0º
Semi-Sextile: Jupiter Saturn 1º
Semi-Sextile: Mars Neptune 2º
Semi-Sextile: Sun Venus 2º
Semi-Sextile: Venus Saturn 1º
Sextile: Mercury Saturn 2º
Sextile: Mercury Uranus 3º
Sextile: Moon Saturn 0º
Sextile: Saturn Pluto 4º
Sextile: Sun Saturn 1º
Sextile: Sun Uranus 4º
Sextile: Uranus Pluto 1º
Square: Mars Uranus 3º
Square: Moon Jupiter 1º
Square: Moon Venus 1º
Trine: Moon Mercury 2º
Trine: Moon Pluto 4º
Trine: Sun Moon 1º
Trine: Uranus Neptune 6

The Sun In Leo
The Sun and its place on your chart are the most important information astrology can provide you with. Your most powerful energies and force-of-will are denoted by the Sun's position.

Traits: Generous, Warmhearted, Creative, Enthusiastic, Broad-Minded, Expansive, Faithful and Loving

Dark Traits: Pompous, Patronizing, Bossy, Interfering, Dogmatic and Intolerant

You were born during a period when the Sun was in Leo. Leo's charisma and innate ability to lead guarantee they will almost always be at center stage--a place where they love to be. Leos are so full of warmth and optimism it is impossible to not find their company pleasurable. Fearless, powerful and dignified by nature, Leos make great leaders. The force of their will guarantees any task they tackle will be completed.

While they may seem domineering, even despotic at times, their goal is always to ensure the well being of all those in their kingdom. Ever-confident Leos are also creative, idealistic and have an indefatigable lust for life. When leadership is required, a Leo is what is needed. They will get the job done right and on time. Leos also have a talent for bringing the very best out in those around them.

Warm-hearted Leos love to have fun, and will go out of their way to make sure those around them are having fun too! Leos love games of all kinds. They are risk takers and will plunge into new ventures on impulse, confident their talents will ensure success. Strong and honorable, optimistic and fun, few will find the Leo's charms easy to resist.

Sun Sextile or Trine Moon
Your confidence to forge ahead towards reaching your goals is largely based in knowing you have the backing of your family and friends. You've managed to establish an excellent balance between your need for autonomy and your need for warm, loving relationships.

Sun Conjunt Mercury
For you your view of things is all that matters. You are quite articulate and love to share your opinions with everyone. However, you are not one to listen to the views of others.

Sun Sextile or Trine Saturn
You have a pragmatic approach to life that is based on a clear vision of reality and your own abilities. You can be relied on to act responsibly and start what you finish.

Sun Sextile or Trine Uranus
You are blessed with a prodigious amount of creativity. You're not one to allow traditional thinking get in your way or your need for adventure and personal freedom and expression. You have a particularly strong attraction to the occult and avant-garde.

Sun Conjunct Pluto
You have a real need to be recognized as someone special. You feel you were put on Earth to do something of grand proportions. Although those around you may not realize it, a hungry tiger hides beneath your skin.

Moon In Aries
The placement of the Moon on your chart denotes a region of life you travel through based upon your instincts. The Moon's placement often points to emotional issues we must address.

You have the Arian trait of speaking bluntly and meaning exactly what you say. You conceal your weaknesses and personal needs from others very well. At times you can be quite emotional and even display a temper that borders on having a tantrum. The expectations you put on yourself and others may be a bit unrealistic. You prefer to take action, and have no tolerance for whiners.

Your Arian courage and love of challenges makes you a role model to others. Through your courage they find theirs. You are optimistic and believe all obstacles can be overcome. You admire others who display bravery and share your need for freedom and adventure. Indeed you are not likely to spend much time in the company of wimps. Taking role of leader should feel very comfortable to you, but you need to try not to be too domineering.

Moon Sextile or Trine Mercury
You seem to instinctively understand people and why individuals behave the way they do. Being nonjudgmental and empathetic makes it easy for those around you to "tell all." You love to share your knowledge and insight, but don't force your views on others.

Moon Opposition or Square Venus
Your emotions may create considerable tension in your life. While you want deep, emotional relationships of all kinds, you have great difficulty deciding on what shape these relationships should take, and with whom.

Moon Opposition or Square Jupiter
You are not one to dwell on yours' or the faults' of others. Because you are so big-hearted and giving you probably have a large set of friends that come from all circles of life. Being a giving person it is likely you are taken advantage of from time to time, but that doesnt deter you from being warm and generous.

Moon Sextile or Trine Saturn
You can be relied on to keep your wits about you when in the midst of a crisis. While others are frozen by events you will manage to come up with a plan to overcome the current crisis. You tend to keep your true feelings to yourself, which often makes others question the depth of your feelings.

Moon Sextile or Trine Pluto
You thrive on intense emotional situations and unrestrained passion. The world's many mysteries enthrall you. Although deeply emotional, you are very good at keeping your feelings in check when events call for a cool head and clear thinking.

Mercury In Leo
The position of Mercury on your chart will give you insight into how you communicate with others and learn.

You have a very healthy mental self. Your mind is energetic and you always eager to immerse yourself in studying whatever it is that currently interest you. Your method of thinking is very consistent and logical, which allows you to excel at planning things. You have the ability to stay focused and absorb a great deal of knowledge quickly.

You like crowds and do not shy away from the limelight. Giving a speech should be a cakewalk for you. You understand your native tongue and have a talent with words which could easily let you follow a career in writing .

You approach to most things is laid-back. This can be a problem when a more serious stance is needed. You are somewhat dogmatic, and not too accepting of opinions that differ from your own.

Mercury Sextile or Trine Saturn
Your mental self is marked by an incredible ability to remain focused. You approach problems logically and are irritated by those who seem to rely on intuiting solutions. You are detail oriented and have the tenacity to see even the longest project through to the end.

Mercury Sextile or Trine Uranus
You are not one to take orders. Your thought processes are keen, but they need absolute freedom to be at their strongest. Chaos and confusion provide opportunity for you to be creative. While you have a keen analytical mind, your true powers lie in your mind’s ability to think serendipitously. You are always searching for problems to feed to your mind.

Venus In Cancer
Where Venus appears on your chart will provide you with information on how you relate to others on an emotional level.

There is nothing you won't do for your love partner. You physical expression of your love is both affectionate and passionate. You prefer sophisticated people who have a great depth of character and charm. You may also be attracted to more flamboyant types. Someone who always dresses well will impress you.

You are friendly and giving, which makes you very popular in your social circle. However, you do like to be at or near the center of attention at all times. Sometimes you may seem a little egotistical, but your need to please and express your affection quickly overpowers your need to be at the focus of things.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter
You are a warm, generous person who is attractive to almost everyone. You don’t allow yourself to get caught up in trite issues and do whatever you can to make those around you feel comfortable, accepted and of value just as they are. Your optimistic attitude is contagious. In short, when it comes to you "what's not to love?"

Mars In Virgo
Mars is the planet of action. Its placement on your chart will indicate your level of aggression and competitiveness.

You aspire to have your work meet the highest standards. Excellence is not a goal, but a necessity to you. Because you set such lofty guidelines for yourself you often feel that only you can do the job right. You pride yourself in maintaining an error-free work environment. When things do not meet your expectations you can become very bad-tempered.

Your need for perfection can cause you to doubt your own abilities to attain a goal. While you are usually very realistic about what you can achieve, there are times when you turn projects down, because self-doubts make it seem you are not adept enough to reach the project's goal. You can also be a bit picky, which may alienate those working with you.

Mars Opposition or Square Uranus
You are a dynamo who seems to have an endless reserve of mental and possibly physical energy. Your drive reach your goals may be so strong that you appear compulsive to others. You do not do well under the directions of others, so it is best that you have the role of leader or work on your own. When things do not go well your passions can erupt and tempers can flare. You are best suited for short term projects, since you get bored easily when you cannot see immediate progress.

Jupiter In Cancer
Jupiter deals with where the Universe is definitely on your side.

Your warmth and willingness to accept all people for who they truly are makes even the most inhibited people feel comfortable around you. You never allow anyone to be left out of what your group is doing. You like the role of caring for those who are having a difficult time caring for themselves. You strive to bring those who feel disenfranchised from life back into the fold of humanity. Your strong sense of family makes want to offer everyone the opportunity to be a part of a warm, supportive group.

Saturn In Gemini
You harbor self-doubts concerning your intelligence. Social spontaneity is likely to be very difficult for you.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus
When it comes to your interests and concerns you are always very intense and honest. You want to see your dreams become realities even it means bucking the traditional perception of how things should be.

Saturn Sextile or Trine Pluto
You are motivated by causes and righting wrongs. You can be absolutely selfless when it comes to fighting injustice. Your focus and resolve is so strong it may scare others away, but you always seem to have a positive impact on things.

Uranus In Gemini
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence an entire generation. The placement of Uranus on your chart denotes an area where you can expect the unexpected from the Universe and yourself.

Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence and entire generation.

You are part of a generation who pushed the limits of academia to new standards. You will carry a love of knowledge throughout your life. Your generation is responsible for a number of discoveries and inventions other generations will employ to make the world a better place.

Uranus Sextile or Trine Neptune
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of creativity and sensitivity to the plight of mankind. As a group you make a move towards improving social institutions by infusing them with new concepts that are more sensitive to the human condition.

Uranus Trine Pluto
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of marked by high levels of energy, passion and need to improve all that surrounds them. Your group is responsible for many positive social reforms.

Neptune In Virgo
Because of distance Neptune is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments of 14 years. What this means is that the effects of Neptune will influence an entire generation in a like manner. Neptune is the Astrological Wildcard. The area in which Neptune appears on your chart is a place where there are no rules. Anything can happen.

The spirituality of your generation is based on established religious beliefs. Collectively you do not have much interest in the metaphysical realm. Ethically you tend to see in black and white: something is right or it is wrong. While members of other generations rebel against your conservative approach to spirituality it is your generation that maintains the traditional religious foundation from which others may leap to new frontiers.

Pluto In Leo
Because of the distance Pluto is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments ranging from 12 to 30 years. What this means is that the effects of Pluto will influence generations in a like manner. Pluto is noted as a harbinger of change. Where Pluto is placed on your chart will indicate what area of life your generation is most likely to effect change.

The Pluto/Leo collective includes people born within a 20 year time span. Your age group has a deep sense of the need for individuals to have the opportunity to truly "be all they can be." In this spirit they promote self-reliance and the rights of all individuals to pursue their goals as individuals. Your group is responsible for making great strides in the advancement of minority groups by ensuring that pathways to opportunity and success are open to them too.

With such a strong focus on the self it is no surprise that the Pluto/Leo generation find it difficult to work as a team. Because of this many of the advancements they are noted for will be linked to individuals. Still it must be remembered that the underlying influence that created the opportunity for these individuals to change the world runs through all of you. (1)

More About Leo Famous Leos:
Mae West, Napoleon Bonaparte, Andy Warhol, Simon Bolivar, George Bernard Shaw, Maxfield Parish, Omar Khayyam, Peggy Fleming, Carl G. Jung, Stanley Kubrick, Mick Jagger, Jackie Onaissis, Charles Schwab, and Arnold Schwarzenegger Ideal Occupations:
Leos are well-suited to be managers, architects, inventors, teachers, athletes and presidents.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 13, 32, 41, 50
Leos Are Usually Most Compatible With: Sagittarius or Aries
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire (1)

Jerry's Birth Chart

Jerry's Transits At Death

Interpretations for Jerry Garcia 8/1/42, 12:03 PM TLT: 10:53 at San Francisco CA Important Features (transits for 8/9/95, 4:23 AM tzone 8.0 DST )

Transiting Jupiter Trine Pluto
Transiting Jupiter in strong Trine (within 0.1 degrees) with natal Pluto The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Jupiter when contacting the energy of another planet will bring to you a stronger appreciation regarding that energy and the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Jupiter is the planet of faith and optimism, the principle of expansion, and the aspirations of the higher self. During this period of time, lasting for two weeks to one month or so, you will find you have renewed optimism for plans and aspirations or just the joy of working with this area of your life. If anything, there may be a tendency to do too much or to overindulge in the area represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Pluto affect your urge for self-transformation and regeneration. Conflicts and drastic changes may come up for you during this transit, while Jupiter is aspecting your natal Pluto. Your plans and aspirations for the future, as well as your religious feelings may be affected. You are more serious and look more deeply into any fields of study that are important to you at this time. You could become involved in a research project or other serious study during this transit, and you will find that you have an increased capacity for such a project. Travel plans are another possibility for more serious and renewed consideration at this time. Your ideals and aspirations may also be called into question during the period of time that this transit is in effect. You also could find that you are more interested in your own unconscious process or that of others during this period of time.
Transiting Jupiter Trine Mercury
Transiting Jupiter in strong Trine (within 2.0 degrees) with natal Mercury The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Jupiter when contacting the energy of another planet will bring to you a stronger appreciation regarding that energy and the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Jupiter is the planet of faith and optimism, the principle of expansion, and the aspirations of the higher self. During this period of time, lasting for two weeks to one month or so, you will find you have renewed optimism for plans and aspirations or just the joy of working with this area of your life. If anything, there may be a tendency to do too much or to overindulge in the area represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Mercury influence the mind and intellect, also friends and associates, or communication generally, such as written messages or conversations. Mercury is an airy planet, associated with the in-flow and out-flow of intelligence. Jupiter transits bring positive energy, optimism, faith, or luck as you may happen to think of it, to these areas. Your ability to express ideas will generally be enhanced. Greater energy is also available for friends and for thinking about future plans, although you may need to look more realistically at any limits and restrictions which could apply.
Transiting Jupiter Opposition Uranus
Transiting Jupiter in strong Opposition (within 1.6 degrees) with natal Uranus The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. Transiting Jupiter when contacting the energy of another planet will bring to you a stronger appreciation regarding that energy and the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Jupiter is the planet of faith and optimism, the principle of expansion, and the aspirations of the higher self. During this period of time, lasting for two weeks to one month or so, you will find you have renewed optimism for plans and aspirations or just the joy of working with this area of your life. If anything, there may be a tendency to do too much or to overindulge in the area represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Uranus affect your urge for freedom and spontaneity. Feelings of restlessness may come up for you in a big way during this transit, while Jupiter is squaring or opposing your natal Uranus. Sudden departures could become the norm. You may decide to leave on a trip, or your plans for the future could change rather rapidly at any point in time during this period, or a planned educational experience may suddenly alter. You have a real need to express your individuality and your independence at this time, as well as renewed positive energy toward such uniquely personal goals. You will also have new and more powerful spiritual insights during the course of this transit.
Transiting Uranus Trine Neptune
Transiting Uranus in strong Trine (within 0.1 degrees) with natal Neptune The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Uranus, the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new possibilities, brings abrupt new awareness to the area of life indicated by the planet it contacts. These transits last for up to a year. During this period of time you may feel the urge to experiment with the particular planetary energy, as well as flashes of new insight into the meaning of the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Neptune affect your sense of spirituality, and your ideals. Feelings of con- fusion may also come up for you during this transit, while the conjunction of transiting Uranus to natal Neptune is in effect. You will undoubtedly have new spiritual insights in the coming weeks, and your will to become more uniquely yourself is more powerful during this period of time. You are likely to undergo a transformation of your ideals during this transit. You may have the feeling that humanitarian goals are more possible to be achieved than you would have formerly believed. You may also have powerful psychic experiences at this time, or become interested in the occult arts. It is a very good time to explore these spiritual issues in your life.
Transiting Pluto Sextile Neptune
Transiting Pluto in strong Sextile (within 0.1 degrees) with natal Neptune The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. Transiting Pluto, a force for change which can be destructive in its power, brings to the surface hidden parts of yourself, and transforms their activity in your life. These events unfold over time; Pluto transits can last several years from its first approach a few degrees away from the exact aspect in your chart, to the final passage of the transit. In other words from the first intimations of a major upheaval in your life to the final outcome. Strong Pluto transits will end an old form for the purpose of bringing something new into being, and totally change the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Neptune affect your sense of spirituality, and your ideals. Feelings of confusion may also come up for you during this transit, of Pluto to your natal Neptune. You may feel a sense of oneness with the universe, or a heightened religious sense of being an integral part of all mankind. You are also very aware of other people's emotions at this time, possessing an almost psychic sensitivity to their moods. This is an important time in your life, when you are looking more deeply into the meaning of your existence than normally. You may seek this meaning in the realms of occult studies, for they hold a special appeal to you now, in your desire to see beyond the surface illusions of your life. Your time spent in these almost religious preoccupations during this period is well spent, for the very meaning of your life is the subject of your quest at this time.
Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features ( transits for 8/9/95, 4:23 AM tzone 8.0 DST )
Transiting Mars Sextile Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets .
Transiting Mars in strong Sextile (within 2.7 degrees) with natal Sun The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. Transiting Mars brings issues of ego expression, power-drive, and strength of will to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. These transits last for only a few days or two weeks at the most. During this period of time you will have a greater drive to express yourself in this area. Your intentions are clear, and you will be at your peak of available energy. You will usually apply this energy as an independent agent, rather than through others. You should also make allowances for conflicts that may arise in the course of the expression of your will, in keeping with the violent nature of the Mars energy, as it interacts with the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to the Sun affect self-expression, including your creative potential and your sense of well-being. Your physical vitality is also affected, and your attitude to life in general. The abundant energy of Mars comes into your conscious awareness as a result of this transit, and you will have more energy than usual. You may also be more argumentative than usual for this brief period of time.
Transiting Venus Trine Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
Transiting Venus in strong Trine (within 0.5 degrees) with natal Moon The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Venus brings softness and beauty to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Its action is to create a favorable climate for interacting with this area, both within your own psyche and in the world of external events which seem to be happening to you. Although Venus transits are brief, lasting a few days at most, and subtle in their effects, you may observe the difference in your emotional reaction to the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to the Moon can represent changes to the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. The Moon in your natal chart is a reflection of the female or instinctual part of your nature. The Moon also symbolizes your home life, and your relations with your children or loved ones. These areas become emphasized and concentrated, and can undergo changes, during the brief period of time when Venus transits your natal Moon.
Transiting Mars Opposition Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
Transiting Mars in strong Opposition (within 2.2 degrees) with natal Moon The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. Transiting Mars brings issues of ego expression, power-drive, and strength of will to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. These transits last for only a few days or two weeks at the most. During this period of time you will have a greater drive to express yourself in this area. Your intentions are clear, and you will be at your peak of available energy. You will usually apply this energy as an independent agent, rather than through others. You should also make allowances for conflicts that may arise in the course of the expression of your will, in keeping with the violent nature of the Mars energy, as it interacts with the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to the Moon can represent changes to the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. The Moon in your natal chart is a reflection of the female or instinctual part of your nature. Mars aspecting the Moon definitely affects these areas, at least for the brief period of time this transit is in effect, also affecting your home life, and your relations with your children or loved ones. All these areas may become more emotionally charged. You may in general find yourself expressing feelings more openly, such as feelings of anger that may come up for you at this time.
Transiting Sun Sextile Ascendant
Transiting Sun in strong Sextile (within 2.4 degrees) with natal Ascendant The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. Transiting Sun brings to conscious awareness normally hidden factors in the birth chart. Aspects being made by other slower-moving planets to one planet or another in your natal chart can also be brought into consciousness, or "triggered" by the transiting Sun. Challenging aspects of transiting Sun indicate areas where ego problems may surface, or where a conflict of will is possible with others. All transiting Sun aspects energize and focus the searchlight of your awareness for the brief period of time, of a few days only, while this transit is in effect. For this brief period of time, your self-expression will definitely be heightened in the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Transits of the Sun in the sky to the Ascendant in your chart give you positive energy, enabling greater self-expression, the ability to better explore your own creative potential and giving you a generalized sense of well-being. Your physical vitality is also on an upswing these few days. Energy and the will to be who you really are, at your best, comes into your personality as a result of this transit, leading you to a new levels of energy and wisdom.
General Aspects ( transits for 8/9/95, 4:23 AM tzone 8.0 DST )
Transiting Sun Trine Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
Transiting Sun in strong Trine (within 2.7 degrees) with natal Moon The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Sun brings to conscious awareness normally hidden factors in the birth chart. Aspects being made by other slower-moving planets to one planet or another in your natal chart can also be brought into consciousness, or "triggered" by the transiting Sun. Challenging aspects of transiting Sun indicate areas where ego problems may surface, or where a conflict of will is possible with others. All transiting Sun aspects energize and focus the searchlight of your awareness for the brief period of time, of a few days only, while this transit is in effect. For this brief period of time, your self-expression will definitely be heightened in the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to the Moon can represent changes to the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. The Moon in your natal chart is a reflection of the female or instinctual part of your nature. The Moon also symbolizes your home life, and your relations with your children or loved ones. These areas come into your conscious awareness during this brief period of time, when the Sun transits your natal Moon.
Transiting Sun Sextile Ascendant
See above.
Transiting Moon Trine Neptune
Transiting Moon in strong Trine (within 0.8 degrees) with natal Neptune The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Moon brings the area of life represented by the contacted planet into our emotional awareness. Although lunar transits are short in duration, lasting a few hours or one day at most, the Moon can activate or "trigger" the effect of other, longer lasting transits. This transit can therefore act as a focalizer for events that have been brewing for some time. This is particularly true when transiting Moon conjuncts itself or another personal planet such as Sun, Mercury, Mars or Venus undergoing a transit of one of the outer planets. Transits to Neptune affect your sense of spirituality, and your ideals. Feelings of confusion may also come up for you during this transit, of the Moon to your natal Neptune. Your emotions will be subject to illusions and fantasy during this period. You may find also that you have a psychic identification with other people, during this brief period of time.
Transiting Mercury Conjunction Mars
Transiting Mercury in strong Conjunction (within 1.3 degrees) with natal Mars The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. Transiting Mercury brings to your conscious awareness the area of life represented by the contacted planet. You may find that your mind is exceptionally clear and lucid in this area, for the brief period of time - a few days only - that this transit is in effect. You may also experience short journeys or excursions during this period which can be illuminating. Since Mercury rules your mental function and communications, your awareness of others is unusually heightened during this brief period of time. You may experience useful communications with other people in connection with the area of life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to Mars affect outward-directed activity, assertiveness and also animal passion. Mercury transiting your natal Mars may have the effect of increasing your verbal punch, or the energy with which you express your ideas. Greater energy is also available for friends or perhaps for thinking about future plans. Beware of being too "sharp" with friends and associates at this time.
Transiting Venus Trine Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
See above.
Transiting Mars Sextile Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets .
See above.
Transiting Mars Opposition Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
See above.
Transiting Mars Square Venus
Ruler of rising sign.
Transiting Mars in strong Square (within 0.1 degrees) with natal Venus The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. Transiting Mars brings issues of ego expression, power-drive, and strength of will to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. These transits last for only a few days or two weeks at the most. During this period of time you will have a greater drive to express yourself in this area. Your intentions are clear, and you will be at your peak of available energy. You will usually apply this energy as an independent agent, rather than through others. You should also make allowances for conflicts that may arise in the course of the expression of your will, in keeping with the violent nature of the Mars energy, as it interacts with the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to Venus affect love and relationship, and also personal creativity. Venus in your chart also symbolizes your values, including your aesthetic sensibility and your enjoyment of life's pleasures, or your appreciation for the beauty of your surroundings. Transiting Mars brings a war-like attitude to these factors. Your energy will be increased for all kinds of creative projects. You may also notice an increase in your sex-drive during this brief period of time. The areas ruled by Venus will be energized and enhanced during this brief period of time. You also may be less open to compromise as a result of this transit.
Transiting Mars Square Jupiter
Transiting Mars in strong Square (within 0.2 degrees) with natal Jupiter The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. Transiting Mars brings issues of ego expression, power-drive, and strength of will to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. These transits last for only a few days or two weeks at the most. During this period of time you will have a greater drive to express yourself in this area. Your intentions are clear, and you will be at your peak of available energy. You will usually apply this energy as an independent agent, rather than through others. You should also make allowances for conflicts that may arise in the course of the expression of your will, in keeping with the violent nature of the Mars energy, as it inter- acts with the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to Jupiter affect your faith and your plans or aspirations. Your religious feelings may also be affected. You may consider plans for a significant journey under the influence of this transit. The peaceful and expansive energy of Jupiter comes into direct contact with your outward directed physical energy as a result of this transit, leading to new levels of personal energy, as well as renewed faith and understanding. You are likely to have beneficial contacts with other people, and have positive feelings come up for you in regard to important interpersonal relationships in your life during the brief period of time this transit is in effect. This transit also brings a higher purpose to your activity at this time, beyond merely striving for ego gratification. It is therefore possible that you will positively re- evaluate your life's goals during this transit.
Transiting Mars Trine Saturn
Transiting Mars in strong Trine (within 1.5 degrees) with natal Saturn The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. Transiting Mars brings issues of ego expression, power-drive, and strength of will to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. These transits last for only a few days or two weeks at the most. During this period of time you will have a greater drive to express yourself in this area. Your intentions are clear, and you will be at your peak of available energy. You will usually apply this energy as an independent agent, rather than through others. You should also make allowances for conflicts that may arise in the course of the expression of your will, in keeping with the violent nature of the Mars energy, as it inter- acts with the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. During this period of time, the established structures in your life are likely to demand more of your attention than usual. It is not a good time for going ahead with large-scale projects, but rather for sticking with routine and accomplishing in little ways.
Transiting Jupiter Trine Mercury
See above.
Transiting Jupiter Opposition Uranus
See above.
Transiting Jupiter Trine Pluto
See above.
Transiting Uranus Trine Neptune
See above.
Transiting Neptune Opposition Midheaven
Transiting Neptune in strong Opposition (within 2.2 degrees) with natal Midheaven The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. Transiting Neptune, representing the universal ocean of oneness with all beings, tends to dissolve old attitudes and undermine established positions one has taken with respect to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. It is a time for confronting illusions one has in these areas. Neptune transits last for many months, usually for more than one year, and their effect may be seen only with the perspective of time. There is always a positive side to such passages, usually in the direction of greater understanding, or even spiritual progress, in the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to the Midheaven affect public life, including work and career, as well as ego assertion, and the authority figures in our lives. There are also implications for your relationships. Those hindering development in the direction of your goals may be discarded, or else new relationships may come into being during the course of a powerful transit to the Midheaven. Your physical vitality is also affected, and your attitude to life in general. Things may be a bit confused for a while. You may meet with situations requiring you to relinquish some of your normal judgment and control. Whatever the events, or perhaps no external events can be specifically named, you may suffer a loss of faith in yourself as a result of this transit. Sometimes events which are thrust upon us and seem to bode ill, or at least to represent a new and unwelcome departure from the ordinary are in fact operating in our own best interest for the long term. What is the compassion of Neptune whispering to you at this time? Could it be urging you toward a more loving and gentle nature? If you are able to sacrifice your own ego-needs for the moment, without bitterness, you may well reap the rewards in future of greater compassion for your fellow man.
Transiting Pluto Sextile Neptune
See above.
Transiting Sun Quintile Uranus
Transiting Sun in Quintile (within 0.4 degrees) with natal Uranus The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. Transiting Sun brings to conscious awareness normally hidden factors in the birth chart. Aspects being made by other slower-moving planets to one planet or another in your natal chart can also be brought into consciousness, or "triggered" by the transiting Sun. Challenging aspects of transiting Sun indicate areas where ego problems may surface, or where a conflict of will is possible with others. All transiting Sun aspects energize and focus the searchlight of your awareness for the brief period of time, of a few days only, while this transit is in effect. For this brief period of time, your self-expression will definitely be heightened in the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Uranus affect your urge for freedom and spontaneity. Feelings of restlessness may come up for you during this transit, of the Sun to your natal Uranus. During these few days, you are more conscious of your urge for freedom, or your need to find your own unique individual expression of yourself. You may have new spiritual insights or your will to be different may be more powerful during this period of time.
Transiting Mercury Sesquiquadrate Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
Transiting Mercury in Sesquiquadrate (within 0.3 degrees) with natal Moon The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. Transiting Mercury brings to your conscious awareness the area of life represented by the contacted planet. You may find that your mind is exceptionally clear and lucid in this area, for the brief period of time - a few days only - that this transit is in effect. You may also experience short journeys or excursions during this period which can be illuminating. Since Mercury rules your mental function and communications, your awareness of others is unusually heightened during this brief period of time. You may experience useful communications with other people in connection with the area of life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to the Moon can represent changes to the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. The Moon in your natal chart is a reflection of the female or instinctual part of your nature. The Moon also symbolizes your home life, and your relations with your children or loved ones, and Mercury transits such as this one bring these areas into a more conscious relationship with the rest of your life. These areas become better understood, and can undergo changes, during this brief period of time.
Transiting Mercury Semi-Sextile Neptune
Transiting Mercury in Semi-Sextile (within 1.1 degrees) with natal Neptune The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. Transiting Mercury brings to your conscious awareness the area of life represented by the contacted planet. You may find that your mind is exceptionally clear and lucid in this area, for the brief period of time - a few days only - that this transit is in effect. You may also experience short journeys or excursions during this period which can be illuminating. Since Mercury rules your mental function and communications, your awareness of others is unusually heightened during this brief period of time. You may experience useful communications with other people in connection with the area of life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to Neptune affect your sense of spirituality, and your ideals. There also may be some confusion for you during this transit, of Mercury to your natal Neptune. Your mental energy is both more inspired and more confused than usual for this brief period of time. You will tend to be more idealistic in your conceptual plans than usual. You may even find yourself inspired to write music or poetry during this transit. You should try to avoid taking drastic action based on your reasoning during this period. It is better to wait until you have had ample time to reflect. Although there can be drawbacks, in terms of confusion or unclear communications with others, this period of time can be a great benefit for you in the inspiration it brings.
Transiting Venus Conjunction Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets .
Transiting Venus in Conjunction (within 4.4 degrees) with natal Sun The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. Transiting Venus brings softness and beauty to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Its action is to create a favorable climate for interacting with this area, both within your own psyche and in the world of external events which seem to be happening to you. Although Venus transits are brief, lasting a few days at most, and subtle in their effects, you may observe the difference in your emotional reaction to the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to the Sun affect self-expression, including your creative potential and your sense of well-being. Your physical vitality is also affected, and your attitude to life in general. The relationship energy of Venus comes into your conscious awareness as a result of this transit, and you will be more sympathetic than usual to your fellow man. The love of beauty that is the best side of Venus will heighten your appreciation of your surroundings today. You may also find that relationship issues come up for you during the brief period of time this transit is in effect.
Transiting Venus Semi-Square Neptune
Transiting Venus in Semi-Square (within 0.4 degrees) with natal Neptune The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required. Transiting Venus brings softness and beauty to the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Its action is to create a favorable climate for interacting with this area, both within your own psyche and in the world of external events which seem to be happening to you. Although Venus transits are brief, lasting a few days at most, and subtle in their effects, you may observe the difference in your emotional reaction to the area of your life symbolized by the contacted planet. Transits to Neptune affect your sense of spirituality, and your ideals. Feelings of confusion may also come up for you in your established relationships during this transit, of Venus to your natal Neptune. The energy you have for others may be changing in some previously unexplored fashion during this brief period of time. You will feel more idealistic and self-sacrificing toward your close relationship partners during this transit.
Transiting Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Midheaven
Transiting Jupiter in Sesquiquadrate (within 0.8 degrees) with natal Midheaven The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. Transiting Jupiter when contacting the energy of another planet will bring to you a stronger appreciation regarding that energy and the area of life represented by the contacted planet. Jupiter is the planet of faith and optimism, the principle of expansion, and the aspirations of the higher self. During this period of time, lasting for two weeks to one month or so, you will find you have renewed optimism for plans and aspirations or just the joy of working with this area of your life. If anything, there may be a tendency to do too much or to overindulge in the area represented by the contacted planet. Transits to the Midheaven affect public life, including work and career, as well as ego assertion, and the authority figures in our lives. There are also implications for your relationships. Those hindering development in the direction of your goals may be discarded, or else new relationships may come into being during the course of a transit to the Midheaven. Your physical vitality is also affected, and your attitude to life in general. The peaceful energy of Jupiter comes into your personality as a result of this transit, leading to new levels of faith and understanding.
Transiting Saturn Sesquiquadrate Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets .
Transiting Saturn in Sesquiquadrate (within 0.1 degrees) with natal Sun The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. Transiting Saturn, the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience, will restrict and force you to pay attention to the area of life indicated by the planet it contacts. Especially the energy of the personal planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, is brought strongly to your attention, and made to suffer the realism of Saturn; its discipline, restriction, and the deepening of awareness it brings. During this period, you may find you have to confront fears regarding this area. You feel the need to work on the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to the Sun affect self-expression, including your creative potential and your sense of well-being. Your physical vitality is also affected, and your attitude to life in general. The limiting energy and self-discipline of Saturn comes into your conscious awareness as a result of this transit, leading to a greater personal investment in the ego-structures of your life. Try not to try to hard at this time.
Transiting Saturn Opposition Neptune
Transiting Saturn in Opposition (within 4.1 degrees) with natal Neptune The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. Transiting Saturn, the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience, will restrict and force you to pay attention to the area of life indicated by the planet it contacts. Especially the energy of the personal planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, is brought strongly to your attention, and made to suffer the realism of Saturn; its discipline, restriction, and the deepening of awareness it brings. During this period, you may find you have to confront fears regarding this area. You feel the need to work on the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Neptune affect your sense of spirituality, and your ideals. Powerful feelings of confusion may also come up for you during this period of time, while Saturn is transiting your natal Neptune. You may feel restrictions threatening to your cherished illusions at this time, which may have the effect of redefining the very ideals by which you live. This conflict is unsettling for a time, but it is said that no transit is experienced before you are ready for it, whether or not you realize this at the time.
Transiting Pluto Sesquiquadrate Moon
Leading planet of planetary pattern.
Transiting Pluto in Sesquiquadrate (within 0.9 degrees) with natal Moon The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. Transiting Pluto, a force for change which can be destructive in its power, brings to the surface hidden parts of yourself, and transforms their activity in your life. These events unfold over time; Pluto transits can last several years from its first approach a few degrees away from the exact aspect in your chart, to the final passage of the transit. In other words from the first intimations of a major upheaval in your life to the final outcome. Strong Pluto transits will end an old form for the purpose of bringing something new into being, and totally change the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to the Moon can represent changes to the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. The Moon in your natal chart is a reflection of the female or instinctual part of your nature. The Moon also symbolizes your relations with your children or loved ones. These areas may drastically alter during this transit.
Transiting Pluto Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Transiting Pluto in Sesquiquadrate (within 1.1 degrees) with natal Jupiter The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. Transiting Pluto, a force for change which can be destructive in its power, brings to the surface hidden parts of yourself, and transforms their activity in your life. These events unfold over time; Pluto transits can last several years from its first approach a few degrees away from the exact aspect in your chart, to the final passage of the transit. In other words from the first intimations of a major upheaval in your life to the final outcome. Strong Pluto transits will end an old form for the purpose of bringing something new into being, and totally change the area of your life represented by the contacted planet. Transits to Jupiter affect your faith and your plans or aspirations. Your religious feelings may also be affected. These feelings will be more powerful and may change as a result of Pluto transits. You are more serious and look more deeply into any fields of study that are important to you at this time. You could become involved in a research project or other serious study during this transit, or travel plans could change drastically during the course of this transit. You also could find that you are more interested in your own unconscious process or that of others during this period of time. Your ideals and aspirations are also called into question at this time. You may have revelations concerning philosophies that have guided your plans for the future up until this time, but which are revealed to be too superficial for your deeper understanding during this transit.(2)





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