The Legion of Mary is an Association of the Catholic Laity. Membership
is open to men and women, married or single
object of the Legion is the assistance of the Bishops and Priests
in their apostolic work of saving
and sanctifying souls. It does not concern itself with the giving of
material aid.
membership consists of those who meet each week for one hour
for prayer and discussion. They,
along with at least one other Legion member, also spend a couple of
hours weekly doing an
apostolic work, which is always
geared to the capabilities of the individual
membership consists of those who are unable or unwilling to
assume the duties of active
membership, but who undertake to give the Legion the assistance of their
prayers. Auxiliary membership
is subdivided into two degrees: For
Priests and Religious; and for the Laity.
FOR THE LAITY. The obligations of this membership consist
in the daily recitation of the prayers comprised in the Legion Tessera, which is given to each Auxiliary in
token of membership. These prayers are:
The Invocation and Prayer of the Holy
Spirit: five decades of the Rosary
and the Invocations that follow: the Catena of the Legion (that is the
Magnificat with
antiphon, versicle and responsory. together with the prayer from the Mass of Our Lady Mediatrix of all Graces): and
the prayers described in the Tessera as "Concluding Prayers."
Prayers are to be offered daily by the Auxiliaries
for the intentions of Our Blessed Lady. If, however, a person whose
daily Rosary is already offered for particular
intentions, desires to become an Auxiliary, the recitation of another
Rosary is not necessary.
Lay-auxiliaries may also make the Formula of Offering prescribed for
Adjutorians, and given above.
By doing so the value of their
Auxiliary service will be greatly enhanced.
is no entrance fee for membership of the Legion of Mary,
but a small offering may be made for
the cost of the Tessera (Prayer Card). All that is required for
Auxiliary membership
is goodwill and the sincere
intention of saying the prescribed prayers. Each local branch
(Praesidium) of the Legion keeps
a list of the Auxiliary members
obtained through that branch. The names of intending Auxiliary members
are placed on a
provisional list until three months probation has been served. Then when the
Praesidium is satisfied that the obligations
of membership have been faithfully
discharged, the names of the candidates are placed on the Auxiliary
The Legion was founded in 1921, in Dublin Ireland. Today there
are over 800 Praesidia (branches) of the Legion in the City of Dublin alone.
1928 the Legion began to spread rapidly. In that year it was
established in Scotland, where there
are now 150 Praesidia. In 1929 a start was made in London. There are
over 1,000 Praesidia
in England now. In 1931 it reached
India and spread with astonishing rapidity. In the same year it appeared
in the U.S.A.
where it is now established in
almost every diocese; and in Canada it has extended into some fifty
Dioceses. It is also widely
organized in the West Indies and is
active in Central and South America. In 1932 the first Praesidium was
formed in Australia.
The Legion is now operating in every
State of the Commonwealth. In 1934 the Legion found its way to Africa.
Here its success
has been beyond even the most
sanguine expectations. Two Apostolic Delegates have recommended it to
the Bishops of Africa.
In 1936 it reached China, rapidly
extended to 90 Dioceses and received the highest commendation of the
Internuncio and of
the Hierarchy of China.
1,000 Bishops have welcomed the Legion to their respective
Dioceses — a number which increases
monthly. The Legion is also established in the following countries: New
Ceylon, West Indies, Philippines,
Central America, Egypt, Burma, Belgian Congo, Japan, Denmark France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy Switzerland, Mexico, South America, Algeria, Spain, Portugal, Austria,
A.E. Sudan, Indonesia, Israel, Lebanon.
basis of the Legion System is the weekly meeting of the Praesidium
(local branch). The purpose of the
Praesidium meeting is twofold, spiritual formation and apostolate. The
active members come
into the Praesidium to pray, to plan
and to act. Whatever success attends their efforts is rightly
attributed to the powerful
intercession of her whom Legionaries
serve as their Queen and Commander.
The Central Council of the Legion of Mary is named the Concilium
and is located in Dublin, Ireland.
Further information regarding member- ship may be procured
from your local Praesidium (branch): Immaculate Conception Praesidium at St. Casimir Church.

Well geeze, that explains a whole lot.